Softside Replacement Watermattresses

When you need a replacement watermattress for your softside waterbed think of an upgrade from our broad selection of models. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions in the course of making your replacement. All of our softside mattresses come standard with the following features:

  • Overcut material panels to release pressure on the seams
  • L-corner construction provides maximum reliability
  • Seam on the bottom of mattress for decreased stress
  • Trimilate Dura Heat black bottom for efficient heat transfer
  • 2 1/2 inch reinforced corners gives extra strength where needed most
  • Heavy Duty black waterbed vinyl
  • Fiber is 1.2 oz of Dupont fiber per layer
Ultimate-waveless softside waterbed mattress Ultimate firm central lumbar support complemented by 100% wave reduction in this no-compromise softside replacement watermattress. Ultimate-waveless softside waterbed mattress
Semi-waveless softside waterbed mattress Moderate wave reduction with some motion for soothing sleep. Semi-waveless softside waterbed mattress
Waveless softside waterbed mattress Relax with the 85% waveless comfort of this quality replacement softside watermattress. Waveless softside waterbed mattress
Extra-waveless softside waterbed mattress Forget the motion in your mattress with this extra-waveless model. Extra-waveless softside waterbed mattress
Super-waveless softside waterbed mattress All the benefits of flotation sleep without the motion is available with this super-waveless design. Super-waveless softside waterbed mattress
Ultra-waveless softside waterbed mattress Perfect the benefits of your softside waterbed with this ultra-waveless replacement watermattress with lower back lumbar support. Ultra-waveless softside waterbed mattress